Enlightening Moments Webinar


En-light-en-ing mo-ment (n.)

Receiving insight into a situation or event. To become free of ignorance. To know how to interact with a situation or event.

An enlightening moment is the temporary and immediate experience of crystal-clear awareness in which there is no agitation or confusion, only harmony and satisfaction, regardless of the surrounding circumstances.

Are you ready for an Enlightening Moments online seminar? Answer these questions to find out:

Is something stopping you from being fully present with every event in your life? Do you live each moment in complete harmony with everything that’s going on around you? Interested in more authentic and rewarding relationships? Want to know how to avoid all those frustrating moments? Do you waste valuable time being upset and reactive? Do you know the unhealthy patterns that are limiting your success?

These are some of the topics covered in Gary’s most popular workshop based on his book Enlightening Moments: Living Beyond the Frustration Cycle.

Included in our Enlightening Moments Online Course:

  • Discover your personality type and your self-limiting beliefs
  • Recognize unproductive habits
  • Learn and practise the Bello Method
  • Create healthier and more authentic relationships
  • Learn to respond rather than react to the challenging individuals in your life.
  • Discover your physical, energetic, mental, and emotional strengths
  • Transform perceived weaknesses into opportunities for personal development